Working together for standards The Web Standards Project

Ten Questions for Joe Clark is the latest (May 12, 2005) interview offering by The Web Standards Group.

Joe Clark talks about fonts, “more” links, opening new windows, skip links, source order, titles, accessible PDFs, forms, data tables and more.

In April, the group interviewed Jason Santa Maria on a variety of items and Tommy Olsson on the topic of XHTML.

The Web Standards Group was formed for web designers and developers who are interested in using web standards and following best practises. Their goal is to provide information and assistance to developers and designers and to promote web standards within the web design and development community. While their meetings are in Sydney Australia, the group consists of almost 1800 members from over 70 countries who can connect or discuss topics through the WSG discussion list. The upcoming June 9, 2005 meeting will have Dean Jackson discussing the topic of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). Previously offered *ten question* interviews can be found listed on the Web Standards Group: Features page. There are several great interviews to read.

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