Working together for standards The Web Standards Project

Looking for a web standards job?

This morning while reading an unrelated article about finding a job that suits work standards, I thought why not use Google to find openings for web standards jobs? My Google search terms, *job openings web design standards guidelines accessibility* returned results that included The Web Accessibility Center (WAC) at Ohio State University’s website.

The WAC deserves some recognition. The center offers web design assistance for faculty, staff, and teaching assistants via news, training, and presentations. There are several good topics and resources listed.

In the News and Events area, an upcoming presentation, Intelligent STEPs to Redesign and Retrofit, will show that by using the Section 508 STEP tool, it is possible to fix an existing website without starting over from scratch. STEP508 means “Simple Tool for Error Prioritization” and helps you find crucial pages or areas within a site that need conversion or attention first. There is also a site report and progress function to the tool. Training schedules, more information, and download(windows) for STEP508 are avialble at the Section 508: STEP508 web page.

Refine those skillsets! Another real benefit for learning and using web standards, guidelines, and accessibility is preparation for working in the field with added experience that will be needed by many, finding that job that fits your standards which benefits all.

Ohio State University – great work. It would be good to see more educational institutions on the same path.

Related: Tools helpful for site repair and or standards can also be found at the W3C QA: The QA toolbox page.

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