Working together for standards The Web Standards Project

Recommended Reading

What books do WaSP members refer to when we run into issues or questions? Which ones do we recommend to friends and colleagues, whether they be seasoned design and development veterans or total newbies? Read on to find out.

Note: Recommendations are made and reviews are written by individual WaSP members. Their views may not necessarily represent the view of the Web Standards Project as a whole. Some books were written or contributed to by WaSP members. Such books are denoted by the WaSP icon, and WaSP member involvement is described.

Designing with Web Standards

If you’re interested in learning about Web standards and haven’t read this book, you’re missing out on not only a great read, but also on an excellent reference. And not just a technical reference — this book will help you successfully argue the benefits of Web standards to every boss or client that questions or doubts its merits. Back when I was at AOL, we gave copies out to all developers, and to senior management, and what a difference it made! Why else would this book is known as the updated “Blue Bible”?! — Recommended by Kimberly Blessing.

Spring Into HTML and CSS

When I find developers that are struggling to make the transition to standards-compliant coding, I sit them down and hand them this book. I tell them that they’re holding an easy read — but one that will correct all of the little markup mistakes and CSS misconceptions that have been preventing them from succesfully making the leap to standards. I’ve recommended this book for Web content editors that work with little bits of markup, so that they’re able to maintain the validity of the documents they work with and cleanly add styles on their own. I’d also recommend this book for individuals that need to get content online without the assistance of WYSIWYG editors. — Recommended by Kimberly Blessing.

Professional CSS

In the last few years, books on CSS have crowded the book shelves as designers clamored to better understand how to use the mighty tool that blew away tables. This, however, isn’t just another book on CSS its syntax, and positioning. Professional CSS uses real Web sites to show how the designer did the work and why the designer took the specific steps or approach with the design. The book closes with four helpful appendices. Troubleshooting CSS is the most useful. It has tips on how to find where the CSS “bugs” are — much like troubleshooting code. It also contains other resources where readers can go for help. This section is only a few pages long, but packs lot of useful information in a small space. — Recommended by Meryl K. Evans. Read her full review.

DOM Scripting
Bulletproof Web Design
Just Ask: Integrating Accessibility Throughout Design
Web Design in a Nutshell
Mastering CSS with Dreamweaver CS4
Web Accessibility: Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance
CSS Cookbook
JavaScript and AJAX for the Web

The Web Standards Project is a grassroots coalition fighting for standards which ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all.

All of the entries posted in WaSP Buzz express the opinions of their individual authors. They do not necessarily reflect the plans or positions of the Web Standards Project as a group.

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