WaSP International Liaison Group
By Molly E. Holzschlag | April 18th, 2006 | Filed in General, Internationalization, Outreach
With a growing interest around the world in Web standards, international relationships are becoming key. WaSP is seeking to create an International Liaison Group for the sharing of Web standards related information worldwide.
CollapseThe Web Standards Project is formally putting together an International Liaison Group (ILG). This group will consist of individuals who live in and represent as many countries as possible to:
- Discuss with and inform the public about Web standards and accessibility issues as they relate to the practices and laws within your country and/or region
- Publish multilingual educational information
- Provide resources about Web standards through such outreach as blogs, books, articles, presentations, code, design, vision and leadership
- Internationalize relevant documents and resources for the public use
- Encourage and invigorate international discussion about the Web
- Study how the Web is and will be used in a global context
We currently have or are formalizing representation from Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and United States. If you are interested in volunteering, enjoy a challenge, have the time and the drive to be involved, please drop a note in comments.
Update: The ILG activity has gotten underway. Please contact ILG co-leaders directly if you would like to contribute.
Your Replies
- #1 On April 18th, 2006 3:32 pm Jeremy Boles replied:
I’m game. I’ve been looking for an opportunity to get more involved.
- #2 On April 18th, 2006 3:41 pm Roger Johansson replied:
Nobody from Sweden involved yet? Now there is :-).
- #3 On April 18th, 2006 4:16 pm Vlad Alexander replied:
Sounds good; count me in for Canada too.
- #4 On April 18th, 2006 5:14 pm Hayo Bethlehem replied:
The Netherlands represent. (unless a better suited dutchie shows up)
- #5 On April 18th, 2006 5:35 pm Saleh EG replied:
United Arab Emirates?
- #6 On April 18th, 2006 6:11 pm April replied:
Perhaps create a Frappr map for the Group, linked to the WaSP site?
- #7 On April 18th, 2006 7:26 pm Divya replied:
Awesome initiative! I would love to be involved for Singapore.
- #8 On April 18th, 2006 7:44 pm Lloyd replied:
If you need someone for Australia ;-)
- #9 On April 18th, 2006 8:04 pm Jennifer Ziola replied:
I’d love to get involved. I’m in Canada.
- #10 On April 18th, 2006 8:17 pm Adrian Roselli replied:
I’m U.S., but hey, I may be useful. Will just need to know more details when they are available.
- #11 On April 18th, 2006 8:52 pm Channy Yun replied:
Great. It’s good idea. This is Channy Yun, the korean mozilla community. In Korea, there are many standard evangelists. We had regular meetings and promotes web standards. If we connect WaSP, it’s really happy.
- #12 On April 18th, 2006 9:22 pm Paolo Dodet replied:
I was really looking forward to something like this. I would love to get involved. My name is Paolo Dodet and I am living in the South of Brazil, though I am Italian. You can count on me. Definitely.
- #13 On April 18th, 2006 9:51 pm Vicki Berry replied:
I’d love to be considered for an Aussie representative. It’s just my cup o’ tea. :-)
- #14 On April 19th, 2006 12:04 am Jesse Rodgers replied:
I would love to be involved as part of the Canadian group.
- #15 On April 19th, 2006 1:36 am Thierry Régagnon replied:
I was looking for an intelligent way to promote web standards for maybe 1/2 months now. I am glad to see the WaSP is taking the intiative.
I would love to help in France.
It would be nice to have more informations on how you see this International Liaison Group.
- #16 On April 19th, 2006 1:59 am Stephen replied:
I’m interested in participating. I’m in the US.
- #17 On April 19th, 2006 2:29 am Doeke Zanstra replied:
I would like to volunteer for the Netherlands.
- #18 On April 19th, 2006 2:50 am Eric Eggert replied:
I’d like to be involved, too. I’m from Germany.
- #19 On April 19th, 2006 5:07 am Mike Brown replied:
Definitely interested in being part of it from New Zealand. I’ve been involved in setting up Web Standards New Zealand and in running Webstock.
- #20 On April 19th, 2006 6:10 am David Bailey replied:
Count me in for the UK contingent!
- #21 On April 19th, 2006 6:16 am porcupine replied:
Here is a comment from Greece. I ‘d like to participate too :)
- #22 On April 19th, 2006 7:55 am Ralph Brandi replied:
If you’re still looking for people in the U.S., I would love to participate.
- #23 On April 19th, 2006 8:29 am goodwitch replied:
I’d be delighted to be a card carrying member…if you still need someone from the U.S.
- #24 On April 19th, 2006 9:36 am Martin Kliehm replied:
I would volunteer to become part of the German team. Or are you really looking for one individual per country? Wouldn’t that be more limiting than using all manpower you can possibly combine?
- #25 On April 19th, 2006 11:56 am Bebop-net » Archive du Blog » Le WaSP rassemble les troupes replied:
[...] Le WaSP veut renforcer les liens entre les différentes personnes passionnées par les standards web à travers le monde. Molly Holzschlag propose donc à toutes personnes qui seraient intéressées pour promouvoir les standards web dans son pays, de laisser un commentaire sur cet article afin de créer un International Liaison Group. Très bonne initiative! Il y a encore beaucoup de travail pour bien faire connaître les standards web. Et se rassembler afin de mieux faire parvenir le message ne peut être que bénéfique. [...]
- #26 On April 19th, 2006 2:18 pm Aja Lapus replied:
I’ve been promoting Web standards little by little for a couple of years now. Maybe participating would give a little bit more movitation. I know I can’t do this alone, but I could try. I’m from the Philippines.
- #27 On April 19th, 2006 4:11 pm Bryan Warhold replied:
Hopefully, your still looking for people from the US; I am very much interested!
- #28 On April 19th, 2006 4:11 pm Layerphaze replied:
Hey everyone. I’m from Jamaica. I’d love to be a part of the International Liaison Group, to represent Jamaica.
- #29 On April 19th, 2006 4:38 pm WaSP Member mollyeh replied:
Hi everyone! Keep your posts coming, and wherever possible include links. We aren’t looking for more US or UK reps for this particular project but if you have something you’re very motivated to work on, let us know. The more detailed your master plan, the better – we need leaders, people who are fantastic organizers and project leads – that sort of thing.
Show us your stuff!
- #30 On April 19th, 2006 11:34 pm Abdelrahman Osama replied:
Great, I’m in from Egypt I waited for an opportunity like this for ages.
I’m already trying to promote web standards all over the Middle East through my blog Point studios.
Check my standards page, web standards categorized posts and my web standards overview slides.
- #31 On April 20th, 2006 12:24 am Michael Grosch replied:
@Molly: As mentioned before, I would be very happy to help spreading the word of web standards and WaSP in Germany and other German speaking countries.
- #32 On April 20th, 2006 8:15 am Robert Pearson replied:
I’m interested. I’m in Canada.
- #33 On April 20th, 2006 6:31 pm perke replied:
no one from Bosnia yet? ok then, let me be first :)
- #34 On April 20th, 2006 11:38 pm Nicolas Sanguinetti replied:
Fantastic initiative, as always. Can Uruguay have a bite at it? :-)
- #35 On April 21st, 2006 1:11 am Naoko McCracken replied:
Hi Molly! I live in the US, but I can help with Japanese documentation or promotion to Japanese community.
- #36 On April 21st, 2006 2:01 am Jens Grochtdreis replied:
As we have already formed a webstandards-envangelizing-group in Germany, called the Webkrauts, it should be most promising to team in this case. Some WaSPs are already members of our kind of “steering commitee” of the Webkrauts. So coordination via Tomas, Patrick or me should be the idea.
- #37 On April 21st, 2006 3:18 pm Mustafa F. Ahmed replied:
based in Saudi Arabia, languages spoken (Arabic, Urdu, English)
- #38 On April 22nd, 2006 7:36 pm Fred Oliveira replied:
I’d like to (as well as the whole team here at webreakstuff) help out WaSP by promoting standards in Portugal. We’ve already been doing it for a while in publications, so the step forward would only be natural.
- #39 On April 27th, 2006 3:09 am Manuela replied:
I am from Germany, a member of the Webkrauts “steering commitee” and would like to be a part of it.
- #40 On April 27th, 2006 2:21 pm Lucian Teo replied:
We have a web standards group going in Singapore and would like to be involved.
- #41 On April 27th, 2006 7:23 pm Manuel replied:
Mostly I have enough time. It’d be a great honor for me to support the WaSP.
I Already did some translations for WordPress.org and Typeworkshop.com and I’d not be afraid of translating some of your essays about webstandards, accessibility or usability ;)
- #42 On April 30th, 2006 7:08 am Carlos Afonso replied:
If you need someone from Portugal I would like to be involved.
- #43 On May 2nd, 2006 12:04 pm Károly Szántai replied:
I have a small consulting and training company in Hungary. We are specialize for web standards and accessibility. We would like to participate.
- #44 On May 9th, 2006 4:32 am Mike Brown replied:
I’m wondering if this international liaision group is going anywhere? It’s been nearly a month since the post, lots of people have expressed interest … what’s the next step?
Who’s organising? What’s the aim? Is there plans to work in with already existing, and very successful, groups such as the Web Standards Group out of Australia?
I certainly hope that the “north-hemisphere-centricity” of WASP is diluted somewhat ;)
curious in New Zealand - #45 On May 11th, 2006 2:24 pm Stefan Asemota replied:
I recently launched a Meta-Blog which lists all the of the Web Standards specialists we have here in Germany in various categories….count me in for shizzle! ;)
- #46 On May 12th, 2006 2:26 am WebStandard Korea » Blog Archive » Joining I18N Liaison Group (ILG) of WaSP replied:
[...] Molly E. Holzschlag announced WaSP International Liaison Group. As you know WaSP founded in 1998, The Web Standards Project (WaSP) fights for standards that reduce the cost and complexity of development while increasing the accessibility and long-term viability of any site published on the Web. [...]
- #47 On May 12th, 2006 3:51 pm Jan Brašna replied:
This is one of the things I wanted to talk with you about, so I hope we’ll get into this soon.
- #48 On May 13th, 2006 10:08 am So much work, so little time — AjaLapus.com :: Thoughts replied:
[...] My interest in spreading Web standards could possibly be official. Though up to now it still isn’t, I’ve already told Molly that I’m interested in joining the International Liason Group of The Web Standards Project. I hope other Filipinos come and join. This would be a great opportunity for everyone who’s into standards. [...]
- #49 On May 14th, 2006 4:57 pm Russ Weakley replied:
Another aussie interested…
- #50 On May 17th, 2006 9:22 pm Channy’s Blog » WaSP ILG 멤버 예비 후보 등록 replied:
[...] 1998년에 만들어져서 역사가 깊고 가장 활발한 웹 표준 전도(?) 활동을 해 온 Web Standards Project의 의장인 Molly E. Holzschlag WaSP International Liaison Group 발족에 대한 이야기가 있고 나서 많은 사람들이 참여 의사를 밝혔습니다. 저도 그 중에 한 명인데, 메일링리스트가 만들어 졌군요. … It’s important to point out that this is not an invitation to become a WaSP member, nor is it confirmation that you will actually become an International Liaison for WaSP. The goal here is to get to know one another, sort out ideas, and figure out who will ultimately and formally be involved in the WaSP ILG. from Molly [...]
- #51 On May 26th, 2006 1:10 am bkchung replied:
Wonder why “Korea” is missing from the list…
- #52 On June 11th, 2006 8:27 pm le faucheur david replied:
It’s a GREAT idea ! I’m from south of france and I want to support the WaSP
- #53 On June 16th, 2006 4:56 am Destry Wion replied:
Web standards, internationalization, Multilingual Web publishing, compliant content management systems? Sounds good to me…if France is not too overrepresented at this point. ;)
Regardless, I’ll be doing my dual-lingo publishing bit here very soon, so…
- #54 On June 28th, 2006 9:28 am Tobias Kunisch replied:
If you`re still looking for people from Germany, count me in!
- #55 On July 31st, 2006 9:00 am Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center replied:
We will be engaging in Chinese translations of the Web Standards project.
- #56 On September 6th, 2006 2:41 am Navjot Pawera replied:
Sounds like a great oppurtunity to be invovled with the web standards project.
Count me in, from India.Been almost 5 months now …. is anything really happening ?
- #57 On September 6th, 2006 12:47 pm WaSP Member steph replied:
Hi Navjot (and other interested members),
Yes, plenty have been happening. Please join our mailing list using the list subscription information here:
http://webdesign-l.com/mailman/listinfo/ilgThe ILG mission statement has been developed, and we have just begun to assign teams to different tasks. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact ILG co-leaders directly.
- #58 On September 12th, 2006 9:19 am Sebastian Snopek replied:
I’d love to get involved. I am from Poland. I will let also other translators know about this project. I am running my own site about accessibility at http://www.t4tw.info
- #59 On September 12th, 2006 9:31 am Andrew Osobka replied:
I would like to become a member of the group. I also volunteer at W3C. - #60 On October 6th, 2006 10:32 pm A internacionalização dos Web Standards BLAM! replied:
[...] Recebi um simpático email de Molly Holzschlag na semana passada falando sobre o WaSP International Liaison Group, um projeto elaborado por ela e pelos demais membros do WaSP (The Web Standards Project). No email, ela diz que o WaSP está procurando voluntários para ajudar a traduzir e a divulgar informações sobre os Web Standards e a difundir os melhores usos destes dentro da comunidade internacional de web desenvolvedores. Já em seu artigo original, datado de 18 de abril deste ano, Molly escreve que o empenho em criar o grupo visa ao compartilhamento de informações relacionadas aos Web Standards pelo mundo inteiro, enfatizando a importância das relações internacionais para atingir este objetivo. O International Liaison Group, que seria formado por representantes de diversas nacionalidades, teria como tarefas básicas o seguinte: [...]
- #61 On October 18th, 2006 5:33 pm porcupine colors / Nα είσαι επαγγελματίας replied:
[...] Αυτόν τον Απρίλιο η Molly E. Holzschlag ανακοίνωσε μέσω του Web Standards Project μια ανάλογη προσπάθεια για τη δημιουργία ενός διεθνούς γκρουπ ανθρώπων που ενδιαφέρονται για τα web standards. Δυστυχώς κι αυτό κάπου κόλλησε κι αναρωτιέμαι: αν δεν μπορεί να το κάνει αυτό η WaSP, τότε ποιος μπορεί να το κάνει; [...]
- #62 On October 18th, 2006 5:33 pm porcupine colors / Being professionals replied:
[...] This April Molly E. Holzschlag announced an analogous effort from the Web Standards Project talking about an International Liaison Group. To my surprise this endeavor stuck and I am wondering: if not WaSP then who? [...]
- #63 On October 19th, 2006 6:34 pm Simone replied:
Ok, I’m ready for Italy
- #64 On November 8th, 2006 5:53 pm porcupine colors » Blog Archive » Nα είσαι επαγγελματίας replied:
[...] Αυτόν τον Απρίλιο η Molly E. Holzschlag ανακοίνωσε μέσω του Web Standards Project μια ανάλογη προσπάθεια για τη δημιουργία ενός διεθνούς γκρουπ ανθρώπων που ενδιαφέρονται για τα web standards. Δυστυχώς κι αυτό κάπου κόλλησε κι αναρωτιέμαι: αν δεν μπορεί να το κάνει αυτό η WaSP, τότε ποιος μπορεί να το κάνει; [...]