Working together for standards The Web Standards Project

For those who design and develop their sites on a Mac, Todd Ditchendorf has developed a handy tool to help validate XML and XHTML documents from the comfort of your own desktop.

XML Nanny cares for your XHTML documents in places the W3C web-based validation service can’t reach… Suppose you are developing a standards-based web site or application on your local web server or behind a firewall. The W3C validator can’t reach your document to validate it. XML Nanny can.

You can literally just pump in the address of a local development site, hit a button, and back come your results. That saves a heap of effort uploading to a server that is publicly accessible – especially if you need to iterate a few times to get on top of any errors.

XML Nanny is available to download free of charge, and requires Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. I don’t know about you, but useful, simple and free sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

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