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addEvent() Recoding Contest

By Peter-Paul Koch | September 8th, 2005 | Filed in DOM, DOM Scripting TF

Launching an addEvent() recoding contest.


My recent entry addEvent() considered harmful generated many interesting comments and technical pointers. It’s clear that the original addEvent() function doesn’t quite cut the cake any more, and it’s equally clear that we badly need a function such as this to keep our scripts simple.

Hence I’d like to take the opportunity to launch an addEvent() recoding contest. Write your own version of addEvent() and removeEvent(), submit it by adding a comment to this page, and win JavaScript fame.

Entries will be judged by a panel consisting of Scott Andrew LePera, Dean Edwards and myself on script quality, simplicity and portability, and the clarity of your explanation.

The prize will consist of eternal and undying fame. Scott, Dean and I will do everything in our power to spread the winning entry as the new standard addEvent() script. Your script might be used by a new generation of web developers, and your name could become a household name.

Read the details here.

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