Keeping your Balance with ECMAScript
By Chris Kaminski | September 13th, 2004 | Filed in Design, DOM, Web Standards (general)
CollapsePaul Bellows has revisited the even-height CSS columns question discussed in a couple of previous posts.
Paul’s method uses ECMAScript, the DOM and some non-standard properties to work it’s magic. Personally, I’m not a big fan of using ECMAScript for basic layout. Neither is Paul, truth be told. But at the end of the day, some browsers need a bit of help doing the right thing.
Is Paul’s method any better than the Eric Meyer/Douglas Bowman method? I’m not sure. A bit of ECMAScript doesn’t seem to me any worse a hack than an oh-my-&deity wide background image or a lightweight layout <table>
. Yet I’m not sure I like the idea that the layout relies on visitors having ECMAScript enabled on their browsers, particularly considering the well-publicized security issues some browsers have.
On balance, while I really haven’t had a chance to work through Paul’s method enough to form a firm opinion, I probably lean towards a pure-CSS or even the <table>
-based solution.
Still, it’s good that Paul has taken the time to explore this avenue and post his results. At the very least, it may form the basis for solutions in places where other techniques fall down. So if you have a free moment, spin by his site, look over — or try out — his code and send him some feedback.
While you’re there, give a listen to some of Paul’s tunes: like Scott Andrew Paul’s a gifted musician and recording artist as well as a skilled scripter. Where do they find the time?