A Web Standards Checklist
By Molly E. Holzschlag | August 13th, 2004 | Filed in Web Standards (general)
CollapseOnce again, Max Design provides a great resource for the standards world: A Web Standards Checklist. The list is meant to help folks understand the breadth of standards and provide a tool for developers.
The list examines six distinct areas of interest as follows:
- Quality of code. This section hones in on DOCTYPEs, character sets, validation, hacks, structure and performance.
- Degree of separation between content and presentation. Here, the focus is CSS for all presentation.
- Accessibility for users. Multiple questions regarding accessibility including alt attributes, font sizing, and descriptive links.
- Accessibility for devices. Here, the checklist helps developers hone in on how well devices such as browsers, resolution, print, and hand-helds manage your site.
- Basic usability. Hierarchies, navigation, and consistency are included in this section of the checklist.
- Site management. Check for 404′s, friendly URLs, and favicons, oh my!
The list is a must-have addition to any developer’s toolkit.