Working together for standards The Web Standards Project

This week, the Web Standards Group interviews Simon Willison, who sheds light on a question we’ve been challenged with in recent months: Where’s WaSP? Simon helps explain:

“We’re still buzzing away. There’s been something of a changing of the guard, with older hands moving in to retirement and fresh blood (such as myself) moving in to take up the slack.”

As many WaSP readers know, we’ve been less active than usual to the public eye. Part of that has come because we are, in fact, reorganizing and redefining WaSP – no small task in a time of such tremendous change. Simon continues:

“The challenge for WaSP is to take the message to the silent millions who don’t involve themselves with these communities. This is a problem that is being tackled more by WaSP members individually than WaSP as a whole; we have an impressive number of book authors on the team for example.”

All true, and important points. WaSP works on many levels, and while people have been accustomed to us being vocal and even combative, we have publically stated that’s no longer our goal. Instead, we are aggressively seeking a better understanding of how we can best serve the design & development community.

Over the next months the public face of WaSP is going to be changing to reflect our own internal changes. We promise to keep you involved every step of the way.

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