R.I.P. glasshaus, Peer
By Molly E. Holzschlag | March 14th, 2003 | Filed in Web Standards (general)
Skip to comment formFor all those who enjoyed books from glasshaus, Wrox, and Friends of Ed, it’s time to pay respects and wave goodbye. Parent company, Peer Information, has gone completely belly-up. So, staff members are now out of jobs, authors are out of future creative opportunities (not to mention royalties), and we are all out of a great, standards-aware publisher.
All three imprints were unique, collaborative, sometimes refreshingly rebellious, and often visionary. Bruce Lawson, erstwhile brand manager for glasshaus, especially deserves a tremendous round of applause. Lawson and glasshaus published books with a focus on Web standards, usability, accessibility and tools during very difficult economic times when such information has proven both desirable and necessary for dedicated Web designers and developers everywhere.
Many current and past WaSP members worked as authors and contributing editors for various Peer imprints, mostly glasshaus. While we were aware that economic problems had hit the company, this total and sudden loss cuts deep.
WaSP thanks all of our friends and associates involved with Peer Information for doing such a great job to promote the very best of the Web.