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WaSP 公佈跨國際聯絡團隊 (ILG)
我擔任Web Standards Project團隊領導人的這幾年間,總是心懷熱情與希望,想結交全球的同儕,並且建立彼此間的人際網路。畢竟這可是全球資訊網,對吧?為了推展我們的使命,選擇抱持兼容並蓄的態度,而非排外的心理,我認為是必然的。 因此,我開始幫WaSP構思一種新型態的團隊。這個團隊並非是專責小組(Task Force)或委員會(committee),而是一個專注於全球資源共享的工作小組。這個團隊的願景是提供本地化的翻譯文件、人際網路、情報交換,甚至在可能的情況,進行面對面的聚會。如同其它團隊,該團隊由許多人士組成,連結各個國家與組織,為全球的網頁開發者與設計師提供強而有力的專業資源。 明知自己即將做出卸任的決定,我對提出這個想法有所遲疑,擔心自己不但留下長年面對的WaSP的挑戰,還提出了著新的課題。草根發起、志願參與的組織是非常難以經營的。顯而易見地,對於組織裡的成員來說,有領薪的工作以及家庭的活動,其優先程度必然是高於志願工作。不過我在當時仍然提出了這個想法,而我現在為此決定感到十分開心。 在我提出建議後,這個團隊不但開始成長,並且民主地自我組織。現在ILG正式由Stephanie Troeth與Glenda Sims兩位女性帶領。在我們這一行,她們個別的才華、以及在專業技術上的貢獻,都是十分出眾的。這個團隊集結世界各地眾多類型的傑出人士,以兼容並蓄的遠見,心懷熱情地向前邁進。 我今天十分榮幸地,以誠摯的心情向各位介紹Web Standards Project International Liaison Group(跨國際聯絡團隊)。 情永不移。 Molly Molly E. Holzschlag Web Standards Project (WaSP) 前任團隊領導人 — Liang-Bin Hsueh
By Molly E. Holzschlag | February 1st, 2007
The Web Standards Project is a grassroots coalition fighting for standards which ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all.
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Our Work Here is Done
By Aaron Gustafson | March 1st, 2013
Thanks to the hard work of countless WaSP members and supporters (like you), Tim Berners-Lee’s vision of the web as an open, accessible, and universal community is largely the reality.
When The Web Standards Project (WaSP) formed in 1998, the web was the battleground in an ever-escalating war between two browser makers—Netscape and Microsoft—who were each taking turns “advancing” HTML to the point of collapse. You see, in an effort to one-up each other, the two browsers introduced new elements and new ways of manipulating web documents; this escalated to the point where their respective 4.0 versions were largely incompatible.
Realizing that this fragmentation would inevitably drive up the cost of building websites and ran the risk of denying users access to content and services they needed, Glenn Davis, George Olsen, and Jeffrey Zeldman co-founded WaSP and rallied an amazing group of web designers and developers to help them push back. The WaSP’s primary goal was getting browser makers to support the standards set forth by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
In 2001, with the browser wars largely over, WaSP began to shift its focus. While some members continued to work with browser vendors on improving their standards support, others began working closely with software makers like Macromedia to improve the quality of code being authored in tools such as Dreamweaver. And others began the hard slog of educating web designers and developers about the importance of using web standards, culminating in the creation of WaSP InterAct, a web curriculum framework which is now overseen by the W3C.
Thanks to the hard work of countless WaSP members and supporters (like you), Tim Berners-Lee’s vision of the web as an open, accessible, and universal community is largely the reality. While there is still work to be done, the sting of the WaSP is no longer necessary. And so it is time for us to close down The Web Standards Project.
Many (if not all) of us are continuing to work in the world of web standards, but our work is now largely outside the umbrella of WaSP. If you are interested in continuing to work on web standards-related projects along with us, we humbly suggest you follow these projects:
- A List Apart – The magazine “for people who make websites” is run by WaSP founder Jeffrey Zeldman and is a consistent source of forward-thinking articles and tutorials.
- HTML5 Doctor – A solid resource and discussion forum on all things HTML5, brought to you by Bruce Lawson and his team.
- W3C Community Groups – If you have a passion for a specific web technology, you can help make it better by participating in one (or more) community groups. In particular, you might be interested in one of these: Core Mobile Web Platform, Responsive Images, Web Education, and Web Media Text Tracks.
- – A fantastic web standards resource, providing up-to-date documentation, Q&As, tutorials & more. Chris Mills, Doug Schepers, and a number of other standards advocates are involved in this project.
- Web Standards Sherpa – An educational resource founded by WaSP which continues to operate under the leadership of Chris Casciano, Virginia DeBolt, Aaron Gustafson, and Emily Lewis.
- Web Standards + Small Business – An outreach project started by WaSP that educates small businesses about why they should care about web standards. This project is overseen by Aaron Gustafson.
The job’s not over, but instead of being the work of a small activist group, it’s a job for tens of thousands of developers who care about ensuring that the web remains a free, open, interoperable, and accessible competitor to native apps and closed eco-systems. It’s your job now, and we look forward to working with you, and wish you much success.
Nota bene: In the near future, we will be making a permanent, static archive of and some of our other resources like WaSP Interact to preserve them as a resource and to provide a record of our 15-year mission to improve the web.
Bruce Lawson and Steph Troeth contributed to this post.
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