Comments on: Acid3 Passed in 23 Days! Working together for standards Wed, 27 Mar 2013 12:19:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Florian Florian Wed, 25 Jun 2008 06:07:12 +0000 webkit passes the test here. Looks pretty smooth to me too using svn r32442 (libwebkit-1.0-1 version in debian testing) with gecko 1.8 i got 53 and a completely different image. With 1.9 (ff3) 71/100. screenshots: webkit passes the test here. Looks pretty smooth to me too using svn r32442 (libwebkit-1.0-1 version in debian testing)

with gecko 1.8 i got 53 and a completely different image. With 1.9 (ff3) 71/100.


By: Travis Travis Sat, 21 Jun 2008 23:44:58 +0000 Latest nightly build of WebKit (the engine Safari uses) gets everything but test 26 perfect (which passes, but is below 30fps). Is there a reason people have been challenging Safari to catch up to browsers like Firefox and IE when it's always been far ahead in standards support? Latest nightly build of WebKit (the engine Safari uses) gets everything but test 26 perfect (which passes, but is below 30fps).

Is there a reason people have been challenging Safari to catch up to browsers like Firefox and IE when it’s always been far ahead in standards support?

By: Maxx Kredit Maxx Kredit Wed, 18 Jun 2008 20:28:41 +0000 So many people said Acid3 will be a hard work for the most browser when it was published in March. Three and a half weeks later the hurdle is taken - by two browser. The race around the test shows also its true meaning: to motivate the browser manufacturers for a better support in Webstandards too. So many people said Acid3 will be a hard work for the most browser when it was published in March. Three and a half weeks later the hurdle is taken – by two browser.
The race around the test shows also its true meaning: to motivate the browser manufacturers for a better support in Webstandards too.

By: Ujjwol Ujjwol Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:20:15 +0000 opera and webkit(safari) didn't pass the acid3 test in my testing but firefox got 78/100 and even Konquor doesn't pass opera and webkit(safari) didn’t pass the acid3 test in my testing but firefox got 78/100 and even Konquor doesn’t pass

By: Pif Pif Thu, 12 Jun 2008 11:10:49 +0000 @ToSensei : Chicken-egg paradox here? Not quite. I cannot specifically answer about the ACID tests, but the way every code test is done is by expecting an output according to the specs. W3C's goal is certainly not to code a web engine, but you can use the specs as a pseudo language. That's how you judge an implementation - what other way is there? Wether they have made a good job of it or not is another point, but the test's popularity and exposure should ensure pretty complete reviewing. What's more, if there's a flaw in the test, there's a good chance MS will blame its failure to pass it on that! @ToSensei :

Chicken-egg paradox here? Not quite.

I cannot specifically answer about the ACID tests, but the way every code test is done is by expecting an output according to the specs. W3C’s goal is certainly not to code a web engine, but you can use the specs as a pseudo language. That’s how you judge an implementation – what other way is there?

Wether they have made a good job of it or not is another point, but the test’s popularity and exposure should ensure pretty complete reviewing. What’s more, if there’s a flaw in the test, there’s a good chance MS will blame its failure to pass it on that!

By: ToSensei ToSensei Thu, 05 Jun 2008 16:27:22 +0000 How did the w3c-guys know the reference-rendering has no errors? Did they calculate it in their heads, step by step, each time looking up if they "thought" it correct? Or do they have a rendering engine especially for creating the reference rendering? If yes, why don't they release the source to improve every browser? Sorry if I postet something stupid, but that's a question not leaving my mind. How did the w3c-guys know the reference-rendering has no errors?
Did they calculate it in their heads, step by step, each time looking up if they “thought” it correct?
Or do they have a rendering engine especially for creating the reference rendering?
If yes, why don’t they release the source to improve every browser?

Sorry if I postet something stupid, but that’s a question not leaving my mind.

By: Thinboy00 Thinboy00 Wed, 04 Jun 2008 00:53:35 +0000 Many people want IE to pass. I've got news. IE7 still doesn't pass Acid2, isn't particularly or notably better than IE6 (just slightly different) in terms of coming close to passing, and its development team (or some leader or something...) has publicly stated they do not plan on worrying about standards support any time soon... so obviously if it did pass it would be due to one of the following: 1) An incredible compiler bug 2) A fake Acid3 3) Microsoft dropping everything (i.e. Vista) and focusing on standards <em>compliance</em>, for a change 4) An act of God I wouldn't hold my breath. Many people want IE to pass. I’ve got news. IE7 still doesn’t pass Acid2, isn’t particularly or notably better than IE6 (just slightly different) in terms of coming close to passing, and its development team (or some leader or something…) has publicly stated they do not plan on worrying about standards support any time soon… so obviously if it did pass it would be due to one of the following:
1) An incredible compiler bug
2) A fake Acid3
3) Microsoft dropping everything (i.e. Vista) and focusing on standards compliance, for a change
4) An act of God

I wouldn’t hold my breath.

By: Ed Hardy Ed Hardy Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:46:25 +0000 wrong! Firefox 3.0 RC1 does pass the test! i would like to see the safari team would do it,too wrong! Firefox 3.0 RC1 does pass the test! i would like to see the safari team would do it,too

By: diablofan diablofan Mon, 26 May 2008 04:46:34 +0000 The WinGogi Desktop build from Operas Dev team <strong>DOESN'T PASS</strong>. I've ran the test 10 times in a row and it always failed <a href="" rel="nofollow">Proof</a> Yes I know I altered the tabs, but the rest is Original I swear it The WinGogi Desktop build from Operas Dev team DOESN’T PASS. I’ve ran the test 10 times in a row and it always failed


Yes I know I altered the tabs, but the rest is Original I swear it

By: CableCom CableCom Sun, 25 May 2008 20:37:32 +0000 Firefox 3.0 RC1 does not pass the test. What about the final version? Opera passes the test as a beta version. Firefox 3.0 RC1 does not pass the test. What about the final version? Opera passes the test as a beta version.
