Comments on: IE8 passes Acid2 test Working together for standards Wed, 27 Mar 2013 12:19:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Seamos serios :: Internet Explorer 8 (Beta) kalean da :: April :: 2008 Seamos serios :: Internet Explorer 8 (Beta) kalean da :: April :: 2008 Sun, 06 Apr 2008 07:40:02 +0000 [...] Denbora asko igaro da IE martxan jartzen ez nuenetik, baina gaur bertan irakurri dudanean, IE8ren Beta bertsioa jaisteko aukera zegoela, animatu naiz eta jaistea erabaki dut. Acid 2 testa gainditzen zuela adierazten zuen albiste hau irakurri nuenean jakin-mina piztu zitzaidan eta horregatik gaur froga hori egitera ausartu eta animatu naiz. [...] [...] Denbora asko igaro da IE martxan jartzen ez nuenetik, baina gaur bertan irakurri dudanean, IE8ren Beta bertsioa jaisteko aukera zegoela, animatu naiz eta jaistea erabaki dut. Acid 2 testa gainditzen zuela adierazten zuen albiste hau irakurri nuenean jakin-mina piztu zitzaidan eta horregatik gaur froga hori egitera ausartu eta animatu naiz. [...]

By: منتديات منتديات Mon, 31 Mar 2008 06:05:50 +0000 All waiting for the new Microsoft innovation IE8 … thank u ,,,,,,,,, All waiting for the new Microsoft innovation IE8 …

thank u ,,,,,,,,,

By: Cilyan Olowen Cilyan Olowen Wed, 26 Mar 2008 00:49:26 +0000 I just wonder something ... Why does the test fail when trying this page : ? I'm testing IE8 and I tried the acid test 2 both here and on the link given before. Here the test passes, but not at the second link. By the way, acid3 score is 18 (I think I remember ie6 with wine on linux did better). IE8 ? Wait and see, it's really a beta. I just wonder something …
Why does the test fail when trying this page : ?
I’m testing IE8 and I tried the acid test 2 both here and on the link given before. Here the test passes, but not at the second link.
By the way, acid3 score is 18 (I think I remember ie6 with wine on linux did better).
IE8 ? Wait and see, it’s really a beta.

By: mad_raz mad_raz Tue, 25 Mar 2008 15:56:13 +0000 I totally agree with Drabdesign. I know I've lost hours trying to make my webistes fit in all nicely in all browsers. I've seen some impreovements concerning this in ie7, lets just hope ie8 will take it to the next level. I totally agree with Drabdesign. I know I’ve lost hours trying to make my webistes fit in all nicely in all browsers. I’ve seen some impreovements concerning this in ie7, lets just hope ie8 will take it to the next level.

By: Drabdesign Drabdesign Thu, 20 Mar 2008 09:20:03 +0000 I must admit trying to get some sites to sit nicely in all browsers is a ridiculous situation to be in. Now if it looks OK in IE and Firefox, I am happy. Lets hope that soon all xhtml and html will work in all browsers, there by stopping the need to create new ones! I must admit trying to get some sites to sit nicely in all browsers is a ridiculous situation to be in. Now if it looks OK in IE and Firefox, I am happy.

Lets hope that soon all xhtml and html will work in all browsers, there by stopping the need to create new ones!

By: العاب فلاش العاب فلاش Wed, 19 Mar 2008 17:31:41 +0000 All waiting for the new Microsoft innovation IE8 ... But what all of us want that there should be uniform standards to display the same form and locations of all sites and works by everyone All waiting for the new Microsoft innovation IE8 …

But what all of us want that there should be uniform standards to display the same form and locations of all sites and works by everyone

By: slither slither Thu, 13 Mar 2008 23:52:41 +0000 I really hated ie6 with all its crashes and errors, but I have to admit that altough I still prefer using firefox I have surfed the net with the new ie and I could see a lot of improvements. Firefox still remains number 1 for me. I really hated ie6 with all its crashes and errors, but I have to admit that altough I still prefer using firefox I have surfed the net with the new ie and I could see a lot of improvements. Firefox still remains number 1 for me.

By: SEO from the ground up SEO from the ground up Thu, 13 Mar 2008 18:52:48 +0000 I've fiddled with IE8 a touch, but have been a Firefox user for as long as I can remember. From what I've seen, and now (reinforced) read, I'll rest comfy in my choice. I’ve fiddled with IE8 a touch, but have been a Firefox user for as long as I can remember.

From what I’ve seen, and now (reinforced) read, I’ll rest comfy in my choice.

By: Pestalence_XC Pestalence_XC Tue, 11 Mar 2008 12:43:15 +0000 Almost forgot.. it comes in 2 flavors.. 32 bit and 64 bit.. supports XP 32, XP 64, Server 2003, Server 2008, Vista 32, and Vista 64. On 64 bit systems you have 2 actual browsers installed.. the 32 bit which connects to your desktop icon (or your main Start menu and quick launch) and works with the 32 bit plugins.. and in your start menu / Programs, you have Internet Explorer and Internet Explorer (x64) .. 64 bit browser will not support 32 bit plugins.. so get started on 64 bit plugis .. Almost forgot.. it comes in 2 flavors.. 32 bit and 64 bit.. supports XP 32, XP 64, Server 2003, Server 2008, Vista 32, and Vista 64. On 64 bit systems you have 2 actual browsers installed.. the 32 bit which connects to your desktop icon (or your main Start menu and quick launch) and works with the 32 bit plugins.. and in your start menu / Programs, you have Internet Explorer and Internet Explorer (x64) .. 64 bit browser will not support 32 bit plugins.. so get started on 64 bit plugis ..

By: Pestalence_XC Pestalence_XC Tue, 11 Mar 2008 12:35:57 +0000 Guess what.. I have been using the Beta of IE 8 for over a week now.. it works fine.. only it seems to have a small hang up using text boxes on search pages, but other than that.. it is great.. supports PNG as far as I can tell, and renders Acid 2 as advertised... To get IE 8 (Beta) go to Guess what.. I have been using the Beta of IE 8 for over a week now.. it works fine.. only it seems to have a small hang up using text boxes on search pages, but other than that.. it is great.. supports PNG as far as I can tell, and renders Acid 2 as advertised…

To get IE 8 (Beta) go to
