Web Design Course Materials Licensed to W3C
By Christopher Schmitt | February 8th, 2012 | Filed in Curriculum, Education, Education TF, Outreach
CollapseAs professional web builders we know that the web is constantly changing and our methods and practices must respond and adapt as well.
There are so many new disciplines web professionals need to be know about, if not specizlized in, that weren’t around ten or even five years ago.
It’s not always easy to keep on the latest and greatest in web and mobile tips, tricks and techniques.
Sometimes it’s downright difficult.
If it’s hard to keep up with the changes as professionals, so it must be even more so for our teachers of the craft.
InterACT Curriculum
For the past several years, a group of dedicated and talented volunteers have been working to help fix that.
Our Education Task Force has developed a world-class curriculum – we’re talking about tools for teaching.
Materials such as syllabii, quiz questions, recommended readings, and more aid in creating web professionals that are ready for the job market that so desperately needs young, competent web builders.
With such a strident resource, professors, educators to teach standards-based web design and development in their own classrooms.
Available on our web site, Web Standards Project InterACT Curriculum have found their way into some forward-thinking classrooms all over the world.
And it’s totally free.
Web Standards’ Textbook
In addition, the Education Task Force published a textbook based off the curriculum titled InterACT with Web Standards.
This web standards textbook is a available from Peachpit, which has published classics such as Jeffrey Zeldman and Ethan Marcotte’s Designing with Web Standards and Dave Shea and Molly E. Holzschlag’s The Zen of CSS Design.
InterACT and W3C Join Forces
Today, I’m happy to announce that the curriculum reaches even more people than ever before.
The InterACT Curriculum developed through Web Standards Educational Task Force has been licensed to W3C.
Through their resources and network, the curriculum will be used to teach companies and organizations, large and super-large, about standards-based education.
And it only seems appropriate that InterACT finds yet another home that is the W3C.
The Educational Task Force’s InterACT was one of the primary catalytics that led to the formation of the Open Web Education Alliance (OWEA) under the W3C.
We Need Your Help
To continue to expand the curriculum, the Education Task Force needs your help.
You don’t need to be a self-proclaimed web guru or a mobile ninja to help.
We people that specialize in all facets of web and mobile design and development that includes copywriters, content strategists, user experts, project managers, and more.
There’s room for everyone and, frankly, it has been and will continue to be people like yourself reading this message right now that will make world-caliber educational material.
Join the Team
Contribute to a curriculum that gets in the hands of tomorrow’s builders today.
Fill out the contribution form or reach out to EduTF leaders, Glenda Sims and Mark DuBois to ask how you can get more involved.
Your Replies
- #1 On February 13th, 2012 9:04 am priya kumari replied:
hello sir actually iam working on a web designing project so i need some interesting topics ….so plz if u have some den plz suggest us some……i wll be grateful to u…
thanking u
priya kumari
b.btech c.s - #2 On February 17th, 2012 9:55 am Graham Tysall replied:
As the Programme Leader for theFdSc Web Technology programme delivered at Truro College – Cornwall, UK – I am always interested in addressing issues, standards etc. with my HE students.
If there is any way you would like us involved then please email me. - #3 On February 22nd, 2012 8:11 pm Single Mother replied:
I am a web designer looking to receive more credibility’s so I can get some better job opportunities. Is this a good course to take that companies are looking for web designers to have.
- #4 On April 3rd, 2012 1:30 am langdon replied:
The curriculum reaches even more people than ever before.
- #5 On May 3rd, 2012 4:18 am BlogieMonk replied:
Compare with w3c, No One will give good materials for Web design and development.I like this Very Much.
Thank you